FREE E-BOOK: YOur GUide to Grant Seeking
We’re giving you the keys to unlock your grants strategy.
building your organization’s sustainability and resiliency through grants.
You know grants are an opportunity for you to obtain the critical funding you need to reach your goals and measurably impact the sector you serve…
But it’s not always easy to secure those grants.
This e-book will walk you through the entire process so you understand the grant seeking process, helping you determine what is necessary for success with grant seeking.
Our Grants Seeking e-book will show you:
✓ How to approach grant seeking in a systematic, thoughtful, and strategic way
✓ The realistic level of effort required in the grants process
✓ Common documentation and narrative questions required from funders and guidance on how to address
✓ A plan to move forward with your grants strategy
That way you can feel confident in your grants process and secure more grants as a part of your strategic fundraising design.
Here’s what’s covered in the e-book:
Is your organization grant ready?
Funding needs
Research and vetting
Grantmaker outreach
Post award reporting
Secure more grants today
Sign up for instant access to the e-book.